Born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina (U.S.A.) in 1995, TERRYSUAVE is a Graphic Designer, Photographer, and Artist. As an Artist, he is deeply dedicated to his craft, exploring different tools and methods to further his exploration of photography as a medium, but he is not limited by media. Although his photography practice began in early 2011, TERRYSUAVE received his BA in Photography from the Art Institute of Charlotte in 2017. In 2014, Terry was featured in his first art show, Random Thoughts, where he showed water color paintings. Most recently, Terry received the 2019 Roll Up CLT Fellowship award, receiving an unrestricted honorarium, professional development support and mentorship. His work is published online and in print in Travel Noire, i-D, The Voice UK, and The Charlotte Observer. He has self-published work including “Blanco Y Negro” and on going series “Snaps”, design work for The Whitaker Grp, and Art Direction for Heirs Entertainment. He also is the Co-Founder of Dreamstudios and runs an online store called The Corner Store.